Waves LoAir
It takes some time to get used to this plugin. Try to understand what it does by going throug the presets on material that you want to add more bass to. One of the principles behind LoAir is that it adds harmonics by one octave below the fundamental frequency. Compare this with RBass or MaxxBass that adds content above the frequency set in the plugin. It acctually does what i'ts name states, adds low air to the soud.
Best used where you want to add more bottom
- Exaggerate the LoAir in combination with the RANGE button to find the sweet spot for the program material
- Back off the LoAir to a more suitable level
- The LO button controls the level of the filtered signal
- The DIRECT button turned all the way to the left enables you to hear just the added frequencies
Snippets from the manual
- RANGE determines the frequency range used to create LFE content
- LoAIR controls the level of the generated (lowered octave) signal
- LO controls the level of the filtered signal
- DIRECT controls the level of the direct unprocessed signal
- LFE OUTPUT controls the LFE level output
- ALIGN delays the direct signal to synchronize it with the generated (lowered octave) signal